System Speed Booster is a full-featured application that improves Windows functionality and the overall system performance. It includes specific tools for scanning and solving most frequent computer problems.
The Registry Clean option searches the Windows registry for missing applications or files, and displays the results sorted by risk level. Selected errors are automatically solved by means of removing the associated keys from the registry. Because this is a sensitive issue for the system, which can lead to major operating problems, extreme caution is advised before deleting registry keys.
Privacy Sweep erases any logs, cache files, or browser addresses that can be used to track user’s activity on a computer. Junk Files Removal scans for temporary files that are no longer used by the installed applications, or by Windows, and removes them. It permanently deletes the files from the Recycle Bin as well.
Automated Scan and Automated Sweep options perform scheduled maintenance operations. In order to use these options System Speed Booster must be allowed to run at Windows startup. System Optimization tunes the computer resources according to the user's needs. There are several profiles that can be selected like Basic, Daily use, Entertainment, and Top performer.
Only Basic profile optimization is available in the free version of the System Speed Booster. To enable the other optimization profiles, System Speed Booster Pro must be purchased.